9 Jun 2024
Tuesday 20 August 2013 - 15:48
Story Code : 45806

‘US-led soldier killed in E Afghanistan’

A US-led soldier has been killed in an attack by the Taliban militants in the troubled eastern part of Afghanistan, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) says.
The US-led military coalition made its remarks on Tuesday, giving no details on the nationality of the slain soldier or the exact location of the incident; though mostly Americans are stationed in eastern parts.

This comes, as there has been a surge in the Taliban’s almost daily basis attacks on foreign troopers and Afghan forces across Afghanistan.

Since 2013, more than 110 US-led NATO soldiers have lost their lives in the war-ravaged country; about 90 of them were American.

However, 2010 is still branded as the deadliest year for foreign military casualties with a death toll of 711.

According to casualties.org, at least 3,363 foreign soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since the US-led invasion of the country.

The growing number of military casualties in Afghanistan has caused widespread anger in the United States and other NATO member states, undermining public support for the Afghan war.

The United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror.

The US-led war in Afghanistan removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity continues to rise across Afghanistan, despite the presence of about 100,000 US-led troops.

Over a decade of the costly US-led war in Afghanistan has failed to end militancy in the country and the US, which has thousands of troops on the ground in Afghanistan, is now trying to sit down for talks with the Taliban militants.

The US officials say a large number of US-led foreign troops are expected to leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

By Press TV


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