9 Jun 2024
Sunday 12 July 2015 - 19:34
Story Code : 171649

Iran's coverage: Kerry hopeful Iran nuke deal near

Daily look at Irans late-breaking news and upcoming events:
US secretary of state hopeful Iran nuke deal near
After days of saying Iranian nuclear talks can go either way, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is expressing optimism that a deal can be reached.

Frances Fabius says hopes Iran nuclear talks in final phase
Frances foreign minister said on Sunday he hoped major powers and Iran have at last entered the final stages of their nuclear negotiations, although work still remained.

AP NewsBreak: Diplomats: Iran nuke deal expected Sunday
Negotiators at the Iran nuclear talks are expected to reach a provisional agreement Sunday on a historic deal that would curb the countrys atomic program in return for sanctions relief, diplomats told The Associated Press.

Navy commander: Enemies never dare to threaten Iran
Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari Sunday emphasized his forces full preparedness to defend the countrys maritime borders against any enemy aggression, and said the enemies dont dare to give a dirty look to Iran.

Iran MPs laud N. negotiators resistance against West excessive demands
Iranian lawmakers issued a statement lauding the countrys nuclear negotiators resistance against the Wests excessive demands.

Parliament approval necessary for possible nuclear deal: MP
A senior Iranian lawmaker said on Sunday that if Tehran and six world powers reach a final agreement over Irans nuclear energy program, the deal should be ratified by the countrys parliament.

Lavrov to participate in Iran nuclear talks in Vienna Sunday
Iran and the group of international negotiators, including the United Kingdom, Germany, China, France, Russia, and the United States are working on the final details of a comprehensive agreement on Tehrans nuclear program.

Leader: Those behind 2009 events not to be trusted
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said those involved in 2009 incidents in Iran are not to be trusted.

Iran says 14 new planes to join its civil fleet by year-end
An official at the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran has announced that the country will add 14 new passenger planes to its civil aviation fleet before the end of the current Iranian calendar year (ends March 20, 2016).

McConnell: Iran deal will be hard sell in Congress
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and other congressional leaders are expressing doubts about Congress signing off on a historic agreement with Iran to address that countrys nuclear program.

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