9 Jun 2024
Wednesday 24 June 2015 - 14:55
Story Code : 169073

China calls for Iran-P5+1 nuclear deal by deadline

China has called on all sides involved in the negotiations over Iran's nuclear program to show more determination fora comprehensive accord by the June 30 deadline.

Beijing hopes that all parties will pay attention to and reasonably resolve legitimate concerns, avoid interference, and make a timely political decision to reach a comprehensive agreement on Iran's nuclear programaccording to schedule, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations (UN) Wang Minsaid Tuesday.

The Chinese envoy, who was addressing a UN Security Council (UNSC)meeting on Nuclear Non-Proliferation (NPT), said that Tehran and the P5+1 group have demonstrated a strong political will for an early comprehensive agreement by holding extensive negotiations on the text of a final deal.

Wang further described as a major breakthrough the April 2 mutual understanding reached between Iran and the P5+1 the United States, Britain, France, China andRussia plusGermany over Tehrans nuclear work in Lausanne, Switzerland, saying that the understandingconstitutes a solid foundation for a comprehensive deal.

The Chinese official also reiterated that Beijing would continue to take an active part in the negotiations and will work tirelessly for a comprehensive, long-term, proper solution to Iran's nuclear issue.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="555"] Representatives of Iran, the EU, the US, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, and China meet in the Austrian capital, Vienna, on June 12, 2015. ( AFP)[/caption]

As a major party to the negotiation, China has always played a constructive role in moving forward the negotiation with a just and objective position, said Wang.

Iran and the six world powers are holding extensive talks to finalize the text of a possible deal over the Islamic Republics nuclear program by the end of June.

The two sides seek to strike a comprehensive final deal based on the mutual understanding reached in early April in Switzerlandon the key parameters of such an agreement.

By Press TV
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