10 Jun 2024
Tuesday 19 November 2013 - 22:39
Story Code : 65466

Iran stands firm on nuclear rights: Zarif

Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic will not back down from its nuclear rights as Tehran and six world powers prepare to resume negotiations in Geneva.
Zarif made the remark in an online video message released in five languages -- Persian, English, Turkish, French and Arabic -- on Tuesday.

The minister, who is also Irans chief nuclear negotiator, said Irans nuclear energy does not pose any threat to any country.
For us Iranians, nuclear energy is not about joining a club or threatening others. Nuclear energy is about a leap, a jump towards deciding our own destiny rather than allowing others to decide for us, Zarif said, adding, What would you do if you were told this is not an option? Would you back down?
The minister stated that Iran needs nuclear energy for securing the future of our children and diversifying our economy.

Zarif noted that the choice was neither submission nor confrontation.

The Iranian minister said the world faces a historic opportunity to change course thanks to the June election of President Hassan Rouhani.
To seize this unique opportunity we need to accept equal footing and choose a path based on mutual respect and recognition of the dignity of all peoples and that no power, however strong, can determine the fate of others. This is no longer an option, said Zarif.
Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany will resume the next round of their talks on Wednesday under intense lobbying effort and pressures by Israel to prevent a deal between Iran and the six world powers.

Tel Aviv has demanded that Iran dismantle its entire nuclear energy program in return for lifting sanctions which have been imposed against the country. This comes as the Israel regime is said to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East with 200-400 nuclear warheads.

During the last round of talks in Geneva, a first-step agreement was within reach but the stances of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius in favor of the Israeli regime and a lack of commitment by US Secretary of State John Kerry spoiled the negotiations.

By Press TV


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