17 Jun 2024
Daily look at Irans late-breaking news and upcoming events:
Iran says will respond in kind if U.S. tries to block oil exports
Iran will respond with equal countermeasures if the United States tries to block its oil exports, the foreign ministry in Tehran said on Tuesday.

Weve been around for millennia, BE CAUTIOUS! Zarif warns Trump
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad JavadZarifwarns US President Donald Trump to be cautious after he threatened the Islamic Republic with incredible hardships in a Tweet.

UN Security Council urges Trump, Rouhani to refrain from accusation exchange
The Swedish President of the UN Security Council Olof Skoog has called on US and Iranian presidents to lower tone of verbal media escalation on Monday.

Sunni Leaders of Irans Kurdistan condemn Marivan terrorist attack
Top Sunni clerics of Irans Kurdistan province have strongly condemned the PJAK terrorists recent attack on a border checkpoint in Marivan which led to the deaths of 11 IRGC members.

Irans Armed Forces to attend intl Army Games in Russia
The head of the Iranian Armed Forces General Staffs Training Department said a number of teams from the countrys Army, Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and Law Enforcement are planned to attend the International Army Games in Russia.

Iran: US accountable for MKO terrorist acts
Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Gholamali Khoshroo has ealier called for a halt on US policies to support anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in separate letters to UN.

Iranian Speaker: Trump Pursuing Ignorant ?Diplomacy
Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani lashed out at the US president for pursuing ignorant diplomacy after Donald Trump and other American officials made threats against the Islamic Republic, saying the United States has been beset with diplomatic chaos.

Turkey says rejected US call to abide by anti-Iran sanctions
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has described Washingtons sanctions against Iran as inappropriate, saying Ankara has told US officials that it will not abide by the bans.

General: Wrong imaginations of US president never practical
Chief of Staff of Irans Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said in a statement on Tuesday that wrong imaginations of the US president on Iranians astonishing capabilities will not come true.

Verdicts on 330 rioters in Pasdaran incident announced: Tehran prosecutor
A court in Tehran has ruled that 330 people were guilty in the street riots which happened in the north of the capital in February, said a judiciary official on Tuesday.
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