17 Jun 2024

MNA The Swedish President of the UN Security Council Olof Skoog has called on US and Iranian presidents to lower tone of verbal media escalation on Monday.

Olof Skoog expressed his concerns over Hassan Rouhani and his American counterparts threatening messages, calling on the two leaders to avoid accusation exchanges because the region was already in much need of less tension, reported KUNA.

Skoog told reporters on Monday that exchange of accusation via media between US and Iranian Presidents is worrying,' adding that the UN Security Council would be discussing these accusations when it meets tomorrow on the Middle East.

Hassan Rouhani warned Donald Trump on Sunday not to play with the lions tail' and warned the US administration that 'Peace with Iran is the mother of the all peaces and war with Iran is the mother of all wars, while Donald Trump responded in a tweet by saying in capital letters that NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STAES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES.

Trump's misunderstanding about Iranian President's remarks had a wide range of negative reactions among netcizens, too.

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