17 Jun 2024
Sunday 20 August 2017 - 18:26
Story Code : 273051

Irans coverage: Iran parliament says 'yes' to 16 cabinet picks

Daily look at Irans late-breaking news and upcoming events:
Almost all ministers proposed by Rouhani receive vote of confidence
Iranian lawmakers on Sunday gave vote of confidence to 16 ministerial nominees proposed by President Hasan Rouhani, but did not vote for his power minister Habibollah Bitaraf.


General Soleimani highlights Irans role in regional stability
Senior Iranian commander Major General Qassem Soleimani described Iran as a central element of stability in the Middle East, saying it has contributed to peace and calm in other nations and helped them irrespective of religious affiliations.

Irans top priority to protect nuclear deal from US: Rouhani
Irans President Hassan Rouhani said Sunday the top foreign policy priority for his new government was to protect the nuclear deal from being torn up by the United States.

Iran, Turkey stress broadening of defense cooperation
Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour and his Turkish counterpart General Salih Zeki olak in a meeting in Ankara on Sunday underlined the need for expanding mutual cooperation in defense and military fields.

Iranian families to visit Saudi Arabia to identify Hajj crush victims
Eleven relatives of the Iranian victims of the 2015 Hajjcrush in Saudi Arabia are to travel to the kingdom to identify their loved ones.

Switzerland, Iran to boost nuclear safety cooperation
Iranian and Swiss nuclear regulatory authorities agreed in Switzerland to enhance cooperation, as the Central European nation assumes presidency of the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association.

Iran president appoints vice president for economy, chief of staff
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has appointed new vice president for economic affairs and his chief of staff.

Tehran denies arrest of Iranian suicide bomber in Afghanistan
The Islamic Republic of Irans embassy in Kabul has rejected the claim that an Iranian suicide bomber has been arrested in Afghanistan.

General Soleimani blames Saudis for creating Takfiri terrorist groups
Commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Qassem Soleimani took Saudi Arabia responsible for the creation of the Takfiri terrorist groups and critical conditions in the region.

Switzerland to host Intl conference on Iran
Switzerland is slated to host an international conference on Iran in the coming days and after 20 months since the western sanctions on Tehran have been lifted.
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