17 Jun 2024
Sunday 20 August 2017 - 16:49
Story Code : 273038

General Soleimani highlights Irans role in regional stability

Tasnim Senior Iranian commander Major General Qassem Soleimani described Iran as a central element of stability in the Middle East, saying it has contributed to peace and calm in other nations and helped them irrespective of religious affiliations.

Speaking at a cultural ceremony in Tehran on Sunday, General Soleimani said Iran is enjoying a real and insusceptible status of power in the present era, saying such a level of power is unprecedented in Irans history.

Iran is the factor behind regional stability, he added, highlighting the countrys leading role in the fight against terrorist groups such as Daesh (ISIL).

God has ordained that Iran be at the centerpiece of the Islamic world and steer the region to stability, the commander added, saying the country has always had a stabilizing role despite all plots.

He further emphasized that Iran does not care about political interests or religious affiliation of people when it comes to defending other Muslims, saying Tehran has supported the Iraqi and Syrian nations in the same way that it has backed the Sunni Palestinian people.
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