10 Jun 2024
Tuesday 12 February 2013 - 15:52
Story Code : 20061

Speakers of Azerbaijani and Iranian parliaments meet

Baku. Shamil Alibeyli APA. Iran Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani met with Speaker of Azerbaijani Parliament Ogtay Asadov within the conference of the Parliamentary Assembly of Economic Cooperation Organization (PAECO) in Islamabad.APAreports quoting Press TV that Iran Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani has lashed out at efforts aimed at disrupting the Islamic Republics ties with Azerbaijan, urging the two countries to further improve mutual relations: Iran and Azerbaijan are two friendly and neighboring countries, and relations between the two states should certainly be improved. Tehran and Baku have many commonalties. Iran is ready to expand relations with Azerbaijan at different levels.

The Azeri parliament speaker, for his part, warned against efforts aimed at damaging mutual ties and urged both sides to remain vigilant.

He pointed to common religious and cultural values between Iran and Azerbaijan and said the two countries are improving their relations.



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