27 Jul 2024
Tuesday 19 May 2020 - 15:11
Story Code : 376099

Iran English language newspaper headlines on Tuesday, 19-5-2020

Iran News Daily
Tehran Urges Baghdad To Boost Bilateral Trade
President Hassan Rouhani has assured his Iraqi counterpart that Tehran will keep supporting the Arab country and its sovereignty, calling for plans to promote mutual economic cooperation and resume the trade exchanges in compliance with the health protocols.

U.S. Forces to Be Expelled From Syria and Iraq
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei says due to its support for terrorists, the U.S. is hated in most parts of the world and will be soon expelled from Syria and Iraq, where it is illegally present in the two Arab countries.Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks while speaking in an annual Ramadan meeting with Iranian university students on Sunday, which was carried out through videoconferencing in the light of this years coronavirus pandemic and in compliance with health officials recommendations.

Zarif Warns U.S. Against Interference With Fuel Transfer to Venezuela
Iran has warned the United States against any interference with the transfer of fuel by Iranian tankers to Venezuela.

69 More Iranians Die From COVID-19
Head of Iranian Health Ministrys Public Relations Office Kianoush Jahanpour said on Monday that some 69 more Iranians died from coronavirus over the past 24 hours bringing the total death toll to 7,057.

U.S. Mulls Pulling Supply Chains From China
U.S. lawmakers and officials are drawing up proposals aimed at encouraging American companies to move operations or major suppliers out of China.

Iran Backing Iraqi Leaders Collective Decision
Majlis Speakers Special Advisor for International Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian underlined that the Islamic Republic as always supports the decisions taken by all Iraqi leaders.

Majlis Endorses Anti-Israel Motion Ahead of Quds Day
Majlis has endorsed an anti-Israel motion which outlines the manner of confrontation on the national and international scale with the Tel Aviv regimes atrocities.

Zionist Regime Disturbing Region by Its Hostile Activities
The Speaker of Irans Parliament Ali Larijani said on Monday that the Zionist regime is disturbing the region by its hostile activities and Majlis has accordingly approved a motion which obliges the government to take certain measures against hostile moves of the Israeli regime.

Iran Moving Towards Containing COVID-19
ranian Minister of Health and Medical Education Dr. Saeed Namaki said that the country has passed from controlling stage of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, and is moving towards containing the disease.

U.S. Urged to Avoid Entering a Dangerous Game With Iran
An Iranian lawmaker says that Americas dignity in the political arena is as high as of the Pirates.Alaeddin Boroujerdi, a Member of Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Committee refers to some news in recent weeks about trade exchanges between Tehran and Caracas, saying that one of the habits of the U.S. government is Piracy, and in the case of the coronavirus disease, this became clear to the world.

Iran Enters Containing Phase of Virus Pandemic
Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei announced in a press conference on Monday that Iran has stepped out of the curbing phase of the lethal respiratory coronavirus and entered the containing phase.

Envoy Terms China Intl Import Expo as Opportunity for Iran
Iranian Ambassador to China Mohammad Keshavarzzadeh in a message described the upcoming China International Import Expo which is slated to be held on November 5-10 as a significant opportunity for Iran to participate in the time of COVID19 depression.

EU Slammed Over Impracticality Towards U.S. Hostile Anti-Iranian Actions
Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Abbas Mousavi criticized Europeans for their impracticality against U.S. anti-Iranian policies including the debate over the extension of Irans arms embargo.

Croatian Envoy Calls for Upgrading Ties With Iran
Croatian ambassador to Tehran Drago Stambuk on Monday called for upgrading ties with Iran, saying, I am proud of serving in Iran where according to scientific documents there are historical affinities between Iranians and the Croats.


Tehran Times
Zarif gives stern warning to U.S. about Iranian tankers
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres late on Sunday warning about possible attempts by the U.S. to disrupt the movement of the Iranian tankers carrying fuel to Venezuela, warning such a move will be illegal, dangerous, provocative, instance of piracy and a great danger to international peace and security.

Irans annual fishery output hits nearly 1.3m tons
Irans fishery output reached 1.28 million tons in the past Iranian calendar year (ended on March 19), the head of Iran Fisheries Organization (IFO) announced on Monday.

Abdullah praises Zarifs support for political accord in Afghanistan
Abdullah Abdullah, Afghanistans president of the High Council for Peace and National Reconciliation, has praised Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarifs support for a political power-sharing deal in Afghanistan.

U.S. elite forces ill-equipped for cold war with China
The elite U.S. special operations forces are illequipped for high-tech warfare with China and Russia, experts warn, as the Trump administration pivots from the war on terror to a struggle with geopolitical rivals. Special operations, known for kicking down doors and eliminating high-value targets, number 70,000 personnel, cost $13bn a year and have carried much of the burden of the war on terror.

Tea harvest begins in northern Iran
Tea harvest season has started in farmlands across the northern provinces of Gilan and Mazandaran.

Ayatollah Khamenei says U.S. will definitely be expelled from Syria, Iraq
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday that the United States forces will definitely be expelled from Syria and Iraq because of
their criminal actions and warmongering.

Quds Day will be marked as long as occupation and crime persist: Iran
The Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Monday that so long as the Palestinians lands remain under occupation and crimes against Palestinians continue the International Quds Day will be marked.

Irans principled policy is expanding ties with Iraq: Rouhani
President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that Irans principled policy is expanding relations and cooperation with Iraq in various areas.

U.S. positive about S. Koreas push to build mechanism for humanitarian trade with Iran: source
The United States positively views South Koreas push to forge a payment mechanism to conduct humanitarian trade with Iran without fears of violating U.S. sanctions on Tehran, a diplomatic source said Monday.
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