27 Jul 2024
Sunday 16 September 2018 - 12:10
Story Code : 319699

Weekly report: Iran says US must end its practice of breaking international law

September 16, The Iran Project Iran builds hall for manufacturing modern centrifuges;Iran implementing commitments under nuclear deal: Amano; Iran to launch indigenous Fateh-class submarine by 2019;Mogherini: EU continues supporting Iran Deal;Turkey, Russia, Iran reach agreement on Syria constitutional committee lists; Iran says US must end its practice of breaking international law; Iranian Deputy FM Abbas Araghchi, Pres. Ashraf Ghani confer on ways to overcome water shortage;Pompeo slams Kerry for inappropriate meetings with Iran officials;Iran takes part in One Belt, One Road security meeting;Terrorists attack Irans embassy in Paris: Report andFM Zarif: Iran to mull over talks only if US returns to nuclear deal are among major headlines dominated the countrys media outlets in the past week ( September 10 September 16).



Iran builds hall for manufacturing modern centrifuges

Iran has built a highly-advanced hall meant to host manufacturing of modern centrifuges, the countrys nuclear chief says.

Irans top security official vows crushing response to any aggression

Secretary of Irans Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani warned that any hostile move and threat against the country will receive a much stronger response.

Iran, Russia confer on N. deal

High-ranking Iranian and Russian officials in a meeting in Tehran on Monday discussed issues related to the 2015 nuclear deal and ways to keep the internationally-accepted agreement alive.

Iran implementing commitments under nuclear deal: Amano

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano says Iran is living up to all its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal.

Commander: Irans home-made air defense system tested on ballistic missiles

Deputy Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base for Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad General Mahmoud Ebrahiminejad announced that Iran has successfully tested the home-made version of the sophisticated Russian S-300 missile defense system, dubbed as Bavar (Belief) 373, to target ballistic missiles.

Iran to launch indigenous Fateh-class submarine by 2019

The Managing Director of Iranian Defense Ministrys Marine Industries Organization Rear Admiral Amir Rastegari recounted that Iran will unveil newly-made marine vessels and equipment by the end of the year.

Mogherini: EU continues supporting Iran Deal

High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy reaffirmed EUs commitment to defend Iran nuclear deal also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

UNSC holds meeting on situation in Idlib, Russia-Iran-Turkey summit

As Russia has warned planned false flag operations in Syria since late August, US National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Monday that the United States, Britain and France had agreed that any use of chemical weapons by Damascus would result in a much stronger response compared to previous incidents.

Turkey, Russia, Iran reach agreement on Syria constitutional committee lists

Turkey, Russia and Iran have reached an agreement in principle on the lists of Syrian government and opposition lists to form a constitutional committee.

Envoy urges remaining JCPOA parties to guarantee Irans interests

Irans ambassador to Vienna-based international organizations, Kazem Gharibabadi, said the remaining parties to the 2015 nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) should ensure that the deal would serve the Islamic Republics interests.

Iran, Europe hold talks on Yemen, Syria crises in Brussels

A senior Iranian official has discussed the latest developments in the Middle East, particularly the ongoing crises in Yemen and Syria, with top European diplomats.

Araghchi, Pres. Ghani confer on ways to overcome water shortage

Iranian Deputy FM Abbas Araghchi and Afghanistans President Ashraf Ghani met in Kabul on Thu. to discuss ways to develop economic cooperation and confer on issues related to water shortage and climate change.

Basra youths symbolically clean Irans burned consulate

A group of Iraqi youths from the southern city of Basra have symbolically cleaned up the damages inflicted by a group of attackers on the former building of Irans consulate in the city to show the depth of the friendship and brotherhood between the two nations.

Pompeo slams Kerry for inappropriate meetings with Iran officials

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday lambasted his predecessor, John Kerry, for meetings with Iranian officials in back-channel talks and accused him of actively undermining the Trump administrations policy toward Tehran.

Iran takes part in One Belt, One Road security meeting

The fourth security meeting of member-states of One Belt, One Road was held in the presence of Iran in Lianyungang, eastern China, on Wednesday and Thursday.

Terrorists attack Irans embassy in Paris: Report

Irans Embassy in Paris has come underattack by alleged supporters of Iraq-based anti-Iran terrorists after the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) firedmissiles at terrorist commanders in the Arab countrys Kurdistan region.

FM Zarif: Iran to mull over talks only if US returns to nuclear deal

Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif told Der Spiegel that it would be possible to think about holding talks with US only if the Western country returned to the Iran nuclear deal from which it withdrew back in May.


Regional Affairs

Dehghan: Terrorists in Idleb should be eliminated as they threaten the region

Adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the field of defense industries Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan stressed that terrorists in Idleb should be eliminated as they constitute a threat not only to Syria, but to the security of the region.

Iran to boost health services in Kabul

Head of Irans Red Crescent Society (IRCS) Ali Asghar Peivandi says the IRCS is to launch Health and Rehabilitation Center in three Afghan cities.

Iran supplying internet services to Iraq, minister says

Irans Minister of Information and Communications Technology Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi said nearly 70 percent of Iraqs internet services are being supplied by the Islamic Republic.

Erdogan blames US for heinous economic attack on Ankara

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused the United States of launching what he called a heinous economic attack on Turkey after the national currency lira hit a record low following US sanctions.

Iraq parliament elects pro-Iran list candidate as speaker

The Iraqi parliament elected the candidate of a pro-Iran list as speaker on Saturday, paving the way for the formation of a government more than four months after legislative polls. The country has been in political paralysis since the May 12 ballot, but the election of a speaker is expected to solidify new parliamentary alliances.



Iran, India, Afghanistan agree to boost cooperation on Chabahar

The first tripartite meeting of Iran, Afghanistan, and India was held on September 11, 2018 at the level of deputy foreign ministers in the Afghan capital of Kabul.

Not possible for US to bring Irans oil export down to zero: Ryabkov

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said he believes it is not possible for the unrealistic US to bring down Irans oil export to zero, as Washington is almost isolated internationally on this particular issue.

US studying possible Iran sanctions waivers: Pompeo

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Washington is studying issuing possible waivers for countries and businesses that want to continue buying oil from Iran beyond November 4, the White Houses designated deadline for them to halt oil imports from the Islamic Republic or face punishments.

Iran OPEC boss lambastes Saudi Arabia, UAE for welcoming Iran oil sanctions

Irans OPEC Governor Hossein Kazempour Ardebili said not much is left of OPECs international credibility as an organization thanks to the measures taken by such members as Saudi Arabia and the UAE against other founding members like Iran.

Turkey to continue Iran gas exports despite US sanctions

Omid Shokri Kalehsar, a senior energy security analyst, told Mehr News that Turkey will continue to import natural gas from Iran despite US sanctions targeting Irans oil sector.



Intl anti-Israel art festival Hourglass wraps up in Tehran

The anti-Israel art festival Hourglass was wrapped up in a recent ceremony in Tehran, awarding winners of the competition focused on annihilation of the Israeli regime.

Prominent Persian dubber passes away

Prominent Iranian TV and cinema dubber, Hossein Erfani, suffering from chronic cancer disease, passed away at a hospital in Tehran on Wednesday at the age of 76.

Irans Maghsoodloo makes history by claiming World Junior Chess title

The Iranian grandmaster Parham Maghsoodloo made history and claimed the title of the FIDE World Junior Chess Championship 2018.

Iran picks No Date, No Signature as official submission to Oscars

The Iranian film No Date, No Signature directed by Vahid Jalilvand has been selected as the countrys official submission to the 91st Academy Awards in the best foreign language film category.

Iranian researchers develop new device for joint surgery

A new medical device used in joint surgeries has been developed by a group of Iranian researchers and unveiled in the Iranian city of Tabriz in East Azarbaijan province.


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