27 Jul 2024
Sunday 15 January 2017 - 14:39
Story Code : 246994

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on January 15

Iran Front Page- Newspapers today marked the first anniversary of the implementation of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, by covering the remarks made by various Iranian officials.

They also continued covering the demise of Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the former president of Iran and the Chairman of Expediency Council, and highlighted the ceremonies held across the country to commemorate him.

The remarks made by Vice-Speaker of Irans Parliament Ali Motahari about citizens rights and freedom of speech also received great coverage.

The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines:

19 Dey:

1- First VP Criticizes Certain Critical Media Outlets: They Have Waged Psychological War against Government

2- Imam Khomeinis Daughter: Ayatollah Rafsanjanis Demise Was More Bitter than Poison

3- Vice-Speaker of Irans Parliament Ali Motahari: Even Irans Leader Would Have Been Attacked [by hard-line media] If He Was Not a Leader


1- US Senate Starts Investigations into Possible Secret Ties between Putin and Trump

2- Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjanis Son: He Always Maintained His Non-Partisan Personality

3- US Ambassador to UN: Nuclear Deal Should Be Kept

4- Iraqi PM: ISIS Will Kill More People

Abrar-e Eqtesadi:

1- Italy Biggest European Importer of Iranian Goods in Past 9 Months


1- IRGC General Rezaei: A Critical Era Is about to Begin [in relations] between Iran and American Generals

2- Persian Gulf Will Soon Give in to Iran

Aftab-e Yazd:

1- Detailed Interview with Senior Conservative Bahonar

  • Some Are Interested in Rouhanis Disqualification from Running for Presidential Votes

  • Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani Tolerated Attacks and Showed Patience

  • I Admit that Irans Conservatives Dont Have a Leader

2- Challenge of Naming a Highway [in Tehran] after Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani


1- Vice-Speaker Ali Motahari: It Is a Big Mistake to See Reformists the Same as Counter-Revolutionary Forces and Seditionists

2- $3,125, the Maximum Wage for Government Executives

Arman-e Emrooz:

1- Motahari: Nateq Noori and Ali Larijani [two senior conservatives] Have Found that Reformists Were Right

2- Those Who Are against Citizens Rights Are Not Revolutionary: Motahari

Besharat-e Now:

1- Deputy FM: We Wont Let JCPOA to Be Reviewed

2- Government Trying to Fight Violence against Women

3- Those Opposed to Freedom of Speech Are Not Revolutionary: Motahari


1- Presidents Aide on Civil Rights: Every Minister Will Appoint a Special Aide in Civil Rights

2- Obama Extends State of Emergency on Iran

3- State TV Sets Preconditions for Deputy FMs Presence in Live Show; Irans Senior Negotiator Refused to Take Part in a TV Program on First Anniversary of JCPOA Implementation


1- First VP: Media Should Not Be Used as a Means of Force

2- LeMonde: Ayatollah Sistani Is a Wall against Sectarianism in Iraq

3- Ray al-Youm: Saudi Arabia Looking for Reconciliation with Iran after Being Defeated by the Islamic Republic


1- Bosnian FM in Interview with Ghanoon: US Election Is Very Much Noticed in Iran


1- Obamas Final Blow to Iran: US President Extends State of Emergency on Iran

2- Netanyahu May Receive 10-Year Prison Term for Corruption

Jomhouri Eslami:

1- People Continue Holding Ceremonies to Commemorate Ayatollah Rafsanjani

2- Bahraini Clerics Call for Anger Demonstrations in Reaction to Execution of 3 Political Prisoners

3- UN Envoy: Yemen Condition Is Disastrous


1- What JCPOA Was Supposed to Be and What It Is: Workers Are Unemployed, Populists Are at Work

2- Hard Days of Abubakr al-Baghdadi: Mosuls State Buildings Liberated

3- Los Angeles Times: Obama Became the US President with Campaign Promises of Peace, and Left the Office with Heritage of War

Mardom Salari:

1- Culture Minister: Moderation Can Be Realized through Gender Equality

2- AP: Washington Just Watching Tehran and Moscows Roles

Payam-e Zaman:

1- MPs Urge Foreign Ministry to Explain Why JCPOA Joint Commission Meetings Are Fruitless

2- Nuclear Energy Spokesman: Plans Have Been Prepared to Counter US Violation of Its Commitments


1- Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani: We Want a President Who Can Fight Corruption

2- Justice Minister: Irans Administrative System Not Ready for Economic Boom Yet


1- Health Minister Urges Officials Not to Give Stress to Iranian People through Their Public Speeches

2- JCPOA Openings and Withdrawal of Opponents: Irans Powerful Return to Global Oil Market

3- First Vice-President: Pace of Womens Progress in Recent Years Has Been Higher than Mens


1- Vice-President for Legal Affairs: Hundreds of Media Outlets Are Spending Governments Money on Attacking the Government

2- Transport Minister Discloses His Properties: Im Proud I Have Not Cooperated with Ahmadinejad

3- Imam Khomeinis Daughter: Ayatollah Hashemi Tolerated Shahs Tortures and Later the Accusations and Attacks

Sobh-e Now:

1- Uncontrolled: 11 Other Provinces Suffering from Severe Bird Flu

Vaghaye Ettefaghieh:

1- Ayatollah Javadi Amoli Criticizes Memorial Service Held for Ayatollah Rafsanjani in Qom: Hashemi Was Oppressed When He Was Alive and Now that Hes Gone

2- VP for Women and Family Affairs: All Branches of Iranian Establishment Should Try to End Arbitrary View of Women

3- Ayatollah Rafsanjanis Son: Conservatives Will No More Win Presidential Votes

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