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Monday 7 September 2015 - 10:28
Story Code : 179302

Iran English language newspaper headlines on Monday, 07-09-2015


Iran Daily
Zarif: Tehran, Prague need to expand ties
Irans Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran and the Czech Republic enjoy good relations in various areas, calling for the two countries to further work toward expansion of their cooperation in all fields.

Yemen Army: Riyadh, Jeddah to become legitimate targets for troops
The Saudi cities of Jeddah, Abha, and the capital Riyadh will turn into legitimate targets for the Yemeni forces in their retaliatory attacks against the kingdom, which is continuing military aggression against its impoverished southern neighbor, a spokesman for the Yemeni Army said.

Tehran wants early talks with German firms
Iran said it wants to enter into serious talks with German enterprises over their plans to invest in the Islamic Republic before the US-engineered sanctions that keep investors away from Iran are lifted as envisaged in the July nuclear breakthrough between Tehran and the P5+1 group of countries.

Migrants keep flooding into Germany
Thousands of migrants streamed into Germany on Sunday, many traveling through Austria from Hungary where they had been stranded against their will for days, while European Union governments argue over how to respond.

Powell: Iran deal a pretty good one
Former US secretary of state Colin Powell expressed support for the nuclear agreement with Iran on Sunday, dismissing critics concerns over its implementation.

President reiterates Irans support for Iraq stability
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reiterated Tehrans unwavering support for Baghdad, saying that the Islamic Republic has always made every effort to help Iraqis restore security and stability to their country.

Parliament speakers felicitate Larijani on nuclear deal
Parliament speakers of Syria, Kuwait and Georgia in separate messages felicitated their Iranian counterpart Ali Larijani on nuclear deal between Iran and P5+1 group of world powers.

Breaching UN resolution not to re-impose sanctions on Iran
Breaching UN Resolution 2231 will not re-impose sanctions on Iran, an Iranian lawmaker on Sunday quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araqchi as saying.

Tehran urges end to supporting terrorists
Irans Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham on Sunday called on certain regional countries to stop assisting terrorist groups and end the slaughter of Yemenis instead of making anti-Iran remarks.

Tehran Times
Tehran, Baghdad to streamline trade
Iran and Iraq signed three memorandums of understanding to boost and facilitate their bilateral trade.

Rouhani urges Europe to meet humanitarian duty toward refugees
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that European countries should fulfill their humanitarian duty toward refugees who are flooding into Europe from fear of terrorist acts.

Works by Farshchian unveiled at Tehran museum
The Evening of the Captives and The Forth Heaven, two works by Iranian master miniaturist Mahmud Farshchian, was unveiled at the Farshchian Museum of Tehrans Sadabad Cultural Historical Complex on Sunday.

Air raids shake Yemeni capital after coalition losses
Powerful explosions have shaken the Yemeni capital Sanaa, witnesses said, after the Saudi-led coalition vowed to press its air assault against the defenseless Yemeni people following the death of 60 mercenaries from the Persian Gulf Arab states fighting in the Saudi led war against its impoverished state.

British parliament to consider petition to arrest Netanyahu as it reaches over 100,000 signatures
The British parliament will consider a petition on its website seeking the arrest of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes after it reached its target of 100,000 signatures.

Colin Powell: Iran deal is a pretty good deal
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell expressed support for the nuclear agreement with Iran on Sunday, calling the various planks Iranian leaders accepted remarkable and dismissing critics concerns over its implementation.

Zarif seeks cooperation with Czech Republic to end refugee crisis
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad says Iran and the Czech Republic should strengthen cooperation in fighting extremism, while trying to find solutions for the humanitarian plight of refugees.

Riyadh should end policies that have set region on fire: Iran
Certain neighbors of Iran had better end their policies of supporting extremist and terrorist groups, instead of leveling baseless accusations against Iran, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Aham on Sunday.

Nuclear deal will open door for close cooperation with Kyrgyzstan
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said after the removal of sanctions against Tehran following the nuclear deal between Iran and great powers Iranian corporations will be ready to be involved in business activities in Kyrgyzstan.

President says Iran will spare no efforts in helping Iraq
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has highlighted the importance of Irans relations with neighbors, saying that Iran will spare no efforts in helping Iraq.

Source rejects media reports on detention of Iranian military adviser in Yemen
No Iranian military adviser has been arrested in Yemen, an informed source announced on Sunday.
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