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Tuesday 24 February 2015 - 11:38
Story Code : 152646

Iran English language newspaper headlines on Tuesday, 24-02-2015

NewspaperIran Daily


Iran stresses nuclear transparency
President Hassan Rouhani said Tehran has proved the transparency of its peaceful nuclear work to the world.


Phase 12 sets national gas production record

Phase 12 of South Pars Gas Field in Bushehr province pumped 73 mcm of sweet gas into the nationwide network on February 23, setting a national record in this regard.


Yemens Ansarullah opposes transfer of talks from Sanaa
Yemens Ansarullah movement on Monday opposed the transfer of the UN-sponsored talks currently being held in the capital to another place.


Top British MPs caught in lobbying sting

Two former senior British government ministers denied wrongdoing on Monday after they were caught in a hidden-camera sting appearing to offer access to politicians and diplomats in return for cash.


Leaked documents: Mossad didnt think Iran sought nukes

Israels spy agency, Mossad, believed that Iran was not pursuing a nuclear weapon just a month after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Islamic Republic was a year away from becoming nuclear-armed.


Kiev will not withdraw heavy weapons despite truce

Ukraines military said on Monday it could not start withdrawing heavy weapons from the front line in the east as required under a tenuous cease-fire because pro-Russian protesters were still attacking its positions, claims denied by protesters.


NAM to boost scientific cooperation

President Hassan Rouhani has stressed the need for scientific cooperation among NAM member states to promote the countries prosperity.


Australian FM to visit Tehran in April
Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop will visit Tehran in April.


German MP slams Netanyahus anti-Iran tirades

A leading German lawmaker of the co-ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD) lashed out at the prime minister of Israeli regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, for his anti-Iran tirades aimed at torpedoing a nuclear deal.


Tehran Times


Leader: Resistance economy should be materialized in action not words

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has said the motto of resistance economy must be materialized in action, stating that words alone would not contribute to the betterment of the countrys ?nancial status.


Iran and U.S. positive after nuclear talks

The United States made some pro- gress in talks with Iran on its nucle- ar program and managed to sharp- en up some of the tough issues, a senior U.S. o?cial said on Monday, but both sides said much remained to be done.


Rouhani wants NAM to break Western monopoly of science

Presi- dent Hassan Rou- hani on Monday opened the ?rst summit of the science ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement states in Tehran.


Egypt president: Need growing for joint Arab force

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has said that the need for a joint Arab military force is growing every day as the region fac- es the escalating threat of armed factions.


Obama aide: Dont classify ISIL as Islamic group

A senior Obama administration o?cial says the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is not a religious ideology but a dangerous terrorist group that has to be dealt with militarily.


Kiev says cannot withdraw heavy weapons as attacks persist

Ukraines military said on Mon- day that it could not start with- drawing heavy weapons from the front line in the east as re- quired under a tenuous cease- ?re because separatists who advanced last week were still attacking its positions.


Good deal will safeguard Iranians nuclear rights: Rafsanjani

The chairman of the Iranian Expediency Council has said a good nuclear deal would safeguard the rights of the Iranian nation.


Kerrys remarks have no effect on talks: Araqchi

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi has said that remarks made by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will have no e?ect on nuclear talks.


Rouhani says a European country, China, Russia turned off request to share nuclear technology with Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has dismissed as a big lie Western allegations that the country had been pursuing a secret nu- clear program, saying that Tehran has shown the transparency of its peaceful nuclear work to the world.

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