27 Jul 2024
Tuesday 29 April 2014 - 11:51
Story Code : 93816

Ebtekar calls for French cooperation to control air pollution

Tehran, April 28, IRNA Vice-President and head of the Department of Environment Masoumeh Ebtekar said on Monday that France is expected to cooperate with the Islamic Republic of Iran to stop degradation of environment and air pollution.
She made the remarks in a meeting with member of French Senate, Philippe Marini, and the French delegation.
She said that the sanctions over the nuclear program have left adverse impact on Irans environment and the air pollution in the country.

Ebtekar hoped that the visit by the French delegation would help upgrade Iran-France relations.

Ebtekar said environment issues are global ones, not restricted to a special country, because they affect the entire world citing the climate change, requiring member states of the international community to get involved to stop degradation of environment.

We do know you have air pollution in Paris; so, the two countries can benefit from each others experience to solve the problem, Ebtekar said.

She said that President Rouhani?s government has made serious efforts to stop air pollution to secure better life quality in cities, conservation of bio-diversity and revival of ponds.

Iran believes that global and international plannings are needed to improve some of the indices and thwart the environment crisis.

She said Iran and France have had cooperation in the past, in the air pollution control in particular, and they can now broaden the scale of the cooperation and the climate change as well.

She said there are relatively comprehensive laws on environment protection, instance of which being the law on management of industrial wastes and campaign against air pollution.

She added that presently, six major cities of Iran, including Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad, Tabriz and Kermanshah follow acceptable management on disposal of the wastes and they carry the stages of garbage recycling and turning them into compost.

However, there are yet many cities left without such a technology, especially the coastal cities in the north and the south, that host a large number of tourists, they need standard management for disposal of the wastes.

Elaborating on the status of women in the Iranian community, Ebtekar said Iranian women enjoy pioneer presence in political and social scenes, despite some difficulties.

She said three vice-presidents in the cabinet are women.



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