17 Jun 2024
KOLKATA: With Western sanctions easing,Indian exportersare willing to engage more with Iran where the,EEPC Indiais planning to field a delegation this year, Anupam Shah ,Chairman of the engineering exporters' body has said.
"We will do a delegation to Teheran this year," EEPC India Chief said ,contending that the hesitation on the part of Indian exporters to engage with Iran for the fear of reprisal from the US is fast easing. As long as the western restrictions were tough on the key Middle East country,the Indian exporters were hesitant to visit Iran fearing that an Iranian visa on their passports could come in the way of receiving visa from the US, though there was no written rule about it.

In this backdrop, even a demand was made to the External Affairs Ministry to take up with the Iranian authority to give Indian exporters a stapled visas, which was, however, not acceded.

"That fear is going away and we would like to tap the full potential of doing engineering exports to Iran," the EEPC chief said, adding that the trade body has been given clarification that no such apprehension should be nursed. He said the situation has changed significantly after the November deal between Iran and the US and other western nations under which the Middle Eastern nation has agreed to scale down its uranium enriching programme.

In fact, an Iranian delegation had visited the recently- organised India Engineering Sourcing Show (IESS) in Mumbai, jointly organised by the EEPC India and the Commerce Ministry.

With the easing of western sanctions , the problem of payment and receipts , is also getting sorted out and the business people from the two countries will be able to do business in a far more effective way, Shah said.

India can be big supplier of automobiles , including the components , steel, pipes, valves and oil machinery to Iran. The export of engineering items can reduce the trade imbalance as well , since India still imports significant quantity of crude oil from Iran.

By Times Of India


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