2 Jun 2024
Monday 6 January 2014 - 16:33
Story Code : 75867

Syrian army targets militant groups in several areas nationwide

[caption id="attachment_59283" align="alignright" width="180"] Foreign-backed militants operating in Syria (file photo)[/caption]
TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian army units on Monday carried out military operations against militants' dens and gatherings, killing many and injuring plenty of others in several areas around the country.

Dozens of militants killed or injured in Daraa Province

A military source on Monday said that an army unit killed members of a militant group in Atman town in Daraa countryside, and destroyed two cars loaded with weapons and ammunition.

The source added in a statement to SANA that the militant Ibrahim Ziyad al-Masri was among the dead.

The source pointed out that many militants were killed and others were injured, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunitionin a military operation the army launched against their dens in al-Herak town.

Army repels militants in Aleppo and Idlib

Units of the armed forces killed and injured a number of militants and destroyed militants cars loaded with weapons and ammunition in Erbid, Kwaires, Jadaideh, Kaskis, al-Maamel al-Kabera area, al-Nakarin and al-Zarzour in Aleppo countryside, a military source said Monday.

The source added that militant groups were eliminated in Talet al-Ghali, in the vicinity of Aleppo central bank, Hilan, 4th al-Rashidin suburb, Khan al-Assal and Maarat al-Artiq.

An army unit destroyed hideout of a terrorist group affiliated to the so-called Ahrar al-Sham in Bennish, killing and injuring its members.

By Fars News Agency


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