27 Jul 2024
Thursday 12 December 2013 - 14:35
Story Code : 70964

Iran supporters apologise to Lionel Messi over abusive Facebook comments

Iran supporters have set up a Facebook group, to express their regret at recent abuse towards Lionel Messi.
The Barcelona manwas the target ofover 30,000 comments from Iranians, after uploading a routine post on his official page.

The comments came after Argentina were paired with the Asia qualifiers in Group F for next summer's World Cup - alongside Nigeria and Bosnia.

However, a new page has been set up, condemning those who abused Messi while also apologising for his treatment.

The page - aptly named 'Sorry Messi' - carries a header of the Argentina and Iran flags side-by-side - whilst the display picture shows Messi being kissed on the forehead by a supporter.

He was not the only one to face a torrent of abuse from Iranians, as Fernanda Lima - the Brazilian model who completed the draw -was also criticised.

She had wowed the large majority across the world with her revealing dress, although her attire didn't meet the country's broadcasting guidelines, causing her to be blurred out.

Lima was even told to wear a hijab after the population of Iran were forced into a disrupted view of Friday's event.

The 36-year-old was also later apologised to - with a number of groups supporting and apologising to her also set up.



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