27 Jul 2024
Tuesday 3 December 2013 - 08:49
Story Code : 68732

Zarif: Good ties with regional states, a priority for Iran diplomacy

Tehran, Dec 2, IRNA Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said on Monday that Irans priority is having good relations with regional countries.
Zarif told Qatar?s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad ath-Thani that he is visiting regional states to convey Irans message of friendship.

Conveying President Hassan Rouhanis warm greetings to Qatari Emir, Zarif said Iranian president emphasizes promotion of relations with the neighbors.

Security, welfare and development of the region are intertwined and common destiny has linked regional states with each other, he noted.

Zarif said that Iran believes that the regional states should rely on commonalties, come together to narrow differences.

The Iranian top diplomat appreciated peaceful transition of power in Qatar.

Qatari Emir in turn called on Zarif to convey his warm greetings to President Rouhani and wished him success.

He said strong relations with Iran would be in favor of Qatar, and Doha wants promotion of mutual ties.

We do not have any historical problem with Iran, willing to promote mutual consultations, he added.

He welcomed an invitation by Iranian president to pay an official visit to Tehran.



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