21 Sep 2024
TEHRAN (FNA)- The US will sustain the biggest damage it has ever experienced all throughout the history if it makes the smallest military move against Iran, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri warned on Monday.

The Americans' catch-phrase 'the military option is on the table' is a bluff. They are aware of the Islamic Republic of Irans capabilities, Jazayeri told reporters in Tehran on Monday.

The slightest military mistake against Iran will make the Americans witness the heaviest damage in the history in their own eyes, he added.

Jazayeri underlined that the Americans and their allies interests in the region and out of the region are within the reach of Irans military power.

In relevant remarks on Monday, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan once again underlined readiness of the countrys Armed Forces to confront any possible threat by the enemies, and said the US does not enjoy the needed ability and readiness to use military force against Iran.

Of course, the Americans are not capable of launching military strike against Iran, because neither do the global and regional conditions allow them to do so nor do they have such capability, Brigadier General Dehqan said in a ceremony held in Tehran today.

Asked about the recent statements of US President Barack Obama and other American officials who have said that all options are on the table, he responded, These statements are not correct; the Americans are our enemy and they have been hatching plots against the Islamic Republic for a long time.

Last week, Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy General Alireza Tangsiri said the US warships in the Persian Gulf show full respect for Iran's warnings since dire consequences will be waiting for them otherwise.

That today we call Americans in the sea or in the Strait of Hormuz and they respond to us and state their nationality and the number of their warships is the result of the efforts made by the martyrs and their blood, Tangsiri said in a ceremony held for IRGC martyrs in Fars News Agency headquarters in Tehran on Wednesday.

Iranian officials and commanders have repeatedly warned that any enemy move, even the slightest aggressions, against the Islamic Republic would be reciprocated with a destructive response and would endanger the US interests all around the world.

Iran has warned that it would target Israel, the US and their worldwide interests in case it comes under attack by the two.

Iran has also warned that it could close the strategic Strait of Hormuz if it became the target of a military attack over its nuclear program.

Strait of Hormuz, the entrance to the strategic Persian Gulf waterway, is a major oil shipping route.

A senior commander of the IRGC said in 2012 that the US navy is deeply fearful of Iran's naval power in the Persian Gulf, and added that Iran will not leave the US warships undamaged in case of a military move against the country.

"I assure you that if the US warships do a foolish action, they won't leave the area (regional waters) unhurt," Commander of the IRGC Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said in a gathering in Iran's Northeastern holy city of Mashhad at the time.

He stated that the US Navy is afraid of Iran's naval power, and said the US warships have even rerouted their line of voyage in the Persian Gulf in order to keep distant from the Iranian naval forces.

By Fars News Agency


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