27 Jul 2024
 Iranian Parliament Vice Speaker: Iran
Describing Iran's economic conditions, Mohammad Reza Bahonar Iranian Parliament vice Speaker emphasizes that the inflation rate will reach 40 percent by the end of the current year.

Iran's deputy parliamentary speaker expressed concern over the rate of inflation in the country, stressing that if this process continues, the inflation rate will reach 40 percent by the end of the year, ISNA reported.

Mohammad Reza Bahonar made the remarks at ameeting of the Islamic Society of Engineerslate on Saturday.

Bahonar, who is also thesecretary general of the Islamic Society of Engineers, referred to the prices explosion, saying that the rise in prices has not stopped yet.

Many factors affect Iran's current economic conditions, some of which are inevitable and out of control, but much of them can largely be overcome by good management, Bahonar added.

Finally, he underlined "we should turn the threats to opportunities by managing the economic environment."
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