17 Jun 2024
Wednesday 16 October 2013 - 20:25
Story Code : 57891

Most detailed talks ever held with Iran: Ashton

EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, says the two days of nuclear talks between Iran and the world powers in Geneva were the most detailed ones ever held between the two sides.
In a press conference after the end of talks over Irans nuclear energy program, Ashton said the discussions have been the most substantive to date.

She added that the six world powers - the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany - are carefully considering Iran's proposal to the Western countries.

Ashton noted that both sides have agreed not to disclose details of the Islamic Republics offer which she described as an important contribution.

She stated that sanction and nuclear experts from Iran and the six Western countries will meet before the next round of talks, planned for November 7-8.

Iran and the six world powers wrapped up two days of talks on the Islamic Republic's nuclear energy program in Geneva Wednesday afternoon.

During a closed-door meeting on Tuesday, Iranian Foreigh Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif presented Irans proposal titled "Closing an Unnecessary Crisis, Opening a New Horizon" to Ashton and the representatives of the six countries. The details of the proposal will remain confidential for the time being.


By Press TV


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