17 Jun 2024
Sunday 29 September 2013 - 11:53
Story Code : 53799

Mere phone call wont thaw Iran-US ties: Iranian official

Irans deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs says a single phone call will not thaw the long history of tension-laden relations between Tehran and Washington.
We are still at the beginning of a long path. Furthermore, we have our doubts, and, as the Leader [of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei] said, one cannot be optimistic about these talks; but this is a path the Leader has also said is not opposed to, Abbas Araqchi said on Saturday.

Referring to the White Houses request for a meeting between the presidents of the two countries, Araqchi said Hassan Rouhani declined the offer because arranging such a meeting after a long history of tense relations involved many complications.

Araqchi added that after Iran declined the White Houses request for a meeting, the idea of the phone conversation between the presidents came about during consultations among Irans representatives to the UN and American officials.

Rouhani received the call from Obama on Friday before departing the John F. Kennedy International Airport for Tehran.

The two presidents stressed Tehran and Washingtons political will to swiftly resolve the dispute over Irans nuclear energy program, and exchanged viewpoints on various topics, including cooperation on different regional issues.

The conversation was the first direct communication between an Iranian a US president since Irans Islamic Revolution of 1979.

Araqchi said Tehran has never fully trusted the US and would not do so in the future.

Negotiations will become more serious if the Americans show a proper response in the future and if such a change in tone and language leads to a change in approach and a change in policies and actions, Araqchi added.

By Press TV


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