27 Jul 2024
TEHRAN (FNA)- Vice Chairman of the Iranian Parliaments National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mansour Haqiqatpour said the US has withdrawn from its rigid stance on attacking Syria due to the strategic alliance of Iran, China and Russia as well as its failure in rallying support both at home and abroad.

His remarks came as even international allies of the United States are skeptical of President Barack Obamas war plan in the Middle-East.

The Americans could not work out the necessary consensus at home and abroad and they regarded Russias proposal on (control of) Syrias chemical weapons as a timely opportunity for their withdrawal, Haqiqatpour told FNA on Wednesday.

He stressed that the strategic alliance of Iran, China and Russia to prevent the possible US attack on Syria is the harbinger of the end of a uni-polar world and move towards a multi-polar world community.

The Americans have come to realize that if they commit a mistake, their hostage in the region, the Zionist regime, will come under the fatal fire of the axis of resistance, specially Syria.

Haqiqatpour also said that lack of a national and international agreement with a US attack on Syria indicates the failure of the United States' unilateral policies in the world.

Obama said Monday he will stop a US plan to strike Syria if the country agrees with the Russian proposal to surrender its possible chemical stocks to international control.

Obama said the Russian proposal could lead to a "breakthrough," but added that the US will maintain pressure on Syria by continuing his push for Congress to authorize military action.

As the US Congress debates authorizing an attack on Syria, Russia on Monday proposed Syria put its chemical weapons under international control.

The idea is a "potentially positive development", Obama said, adding that Washington will work with Moscow and the international community "to see if we can arrive at something that is enforceable and serious", the Islam Times reported.

The government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has accepted the Russian proposal.

Obama on Monday gave a series of television interviews in an attempt to gain support from lawmakers and public for a limited military strike on Syria.

Recent polls show that the majority of Americans oppose any US military action against Syria.

The US, Israel and France have adopted the rhetoric of war against Syria over allegations that the Syrian government was behind a recent chemical attack near Damascus.

The call for military strike intensified after the militants operating inside Syria and the foreign-backed Syrian opposition claimed on August 21 that hundreds had been killed in a government chemical attack on militant strongholds in the Damascus suburbs of Ain Tarma, Zamalka and Jobar. The Syrian government has strongly denied the claim, accusing the militants of the attack.

By Fars News Agency


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