17 Jun 2024
Tuesday 27 August 2013 - 19:01
Story Code : 46915

Senior MP: Military intervention in Syria doomed to failure

TEHRAN (Tasnim) A senior Iranian lawmaker stressed on Tuesday that foreign military intervention in Syria is doomed to failure as some western countries seem to be ready to wage war on Syria on trumped up charges.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has from the very beginning been opposed to all types of foreign intervention in Syria, particularly the military type, Chairman of the Parliaments Foreign Relations Committee Vahid Ahmadi told Tasnim today.

The Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria have deep and vast-scale strategic ties, Ahmadi said, and in case of a future attack on the country, Iran will definitely declare its stands on the issue.

He stated that the Zionists have instigated the western countries to consider a military action against Syria" and the recent atrocity of the terrorists in using chemical weapons is in keeping with that agenda.

Earlier, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, too, cautioned the White House against military intervention in Syria, saying that it would bring about harsh consequences for the US.

The US is aware of the limit of red line in the Syrian front, and any crossing of the Syrian red line will have severe consequences for the White House, Jazayeri said on Sunday.

The Iranian commander also announced that the ongoing war in Syria is a result of plots hatched by the US in order to undermine the axis of (anti-Israel) resistance.

Also, Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Araqchi, called on western countries not to resort to force in Syria.

"We want to strongly warn against any military attack in Syria. There will definitely be perilous consequences for the region," Araqchi told a news conference. "These complications and consequences will not be restricted to Syria. It will engulf the whole region."

While the US and some of its western allies have announced their readiness to hit Syria, on the pretext of suspected chemical attack by the government,Russia and China have stepped up their warnings against military intervention in Syria, with Moscow saying any such action would have "catastrophic consequences" for the region.

Meanwhile, the American public shows no willingness to get involved in another costly conflict in the Middle East.

Only 9 percent of the surveyed believe President Barack Obama should take action on Syria, while some 60 percent of Americans said the United States should not intervene in Syria's bloody civil war.

According to the poll taken on August 19-23, 25 percent of Americans would back intervention if it is proven that the forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad used chemical weapons against civilians, while almost double that number 46 percent would still oppose such a move.

By Tasnim News


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