27 Jul 2024
Sunday 18 August 2013 - 11:38
Story Code : 45320

Iran foreign minister denounces bloodletting in Egypt

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has condemned the massacre of innocent people in Egypt, calling for an end to violence and bloodshed in the Arab country.
In a phone conversation with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Saturday, the top Iranian diplomat described the situation in Egypt as critical and disastrous.

He also called for concerted international efforts to prevent further deterioration of tension in Egypt and to find peaceful solutions to the crisis in the country.

The UN chief, in turn, said the world body is seeking to ease the turmoil in Egypt through peaceful means.

On August 16, tens of thousands of people took to the streets across Egypt in response to a call by the Muslim Brotherhood for nationwide protests on the Friday of Rage against the army and its hand-picked government.

According to Egypts Health Ministry, 173 people, including 53 security forces, were killed and 1,330 injured in clashes that broke out across the country between the demonstrators and security forces and Muslim Brotherhood opponents.

Egypt has been experiencing unrelenting violence since July 3, when the army toppled President Mohamed Morsi, the first democratically elected Egyptian head of state, suspended the constitution and dissolved the parliament. It also appointed the head of the Supreme Constitutional Court, Adly Mahmoud Mansour, as the new interim president.

The interim government in Egypt has been facing international condemnation over the killing of protesters. The brutal crackdown culminated in the massacre of nearly 640 people on August 14, when security forces cleared protest camps set up by Morsi supporters to demonstrate against his ouster.

Amnesty International has called for a thorough and unbiased investigation into the carnage.

By Press TV


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