27 Jul 2024
Thursday 15 August 2013 - 21:00
Story Code : 44962

Egypt puts crackdown death toll at 525

Egypt puts crackdown death toll at 525
Egypts Health Ministry has raised the death toll from the recent fatal crackdown on the supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi to 525.
The Health Ministry also said on Thursday that nearly 3,600 people were injured in the clashes, which erupted when Egyptian security forces moved in to clear out thousands of supporters of the ousted president from two camps - one near the Rabaah al-Adawiya Mosque in Cairos Nasr City and a smaller one in Nahda Square in Giza.

However, the Muslim Brotherhood put the death toll far higher, saying more than 2,000 people had died in the police crackdown on Morsi supporters.

The Egyptian Interior Ministry says 43 of the dead were policemen.

Egyptian authorities say the interim government forces will stand firm against any more protests.

Tension has intensified in Egypt since July 3, when the Egyptian army removed Morsi from office. The army also suspended the constitution and dissolved the parliament.

By Press TV


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