27 Jul 2024
Monday 13 August 2012 - 17:12
Story Code : 4378

Israelis demonstrate outside Barak's home: Don't bomb Iran

Israelis demonstrate outside Barak
Hundreds of Israelis have demonstrated against a possible attack on Iran outside the home of Defense Minister Ehud Barak in Tel Aviv.

Several hundred Israelis demonstrated in Tel Aviv Sunday night, calling on their government not to attack Iran in a bid to thwart the Islamic republic's suspected nuclear arms program, Turkish weekly quoted DPA.

Gathering outside Minister for Military Affairs Ehud Baraks residence, the protestors carried signs condemning a possible Israeli strike, and calling on Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign rather than endanger the lives of Israeli citizens.

On Sunday, Netanyahu told ministers at the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem: "All the threats directed at the home front are dwarfed by another threat of a different size and scope. And so I say again: Iran must not be allowed to attain nuclear weapons," Press TV said.

But former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert lashed out at Benjamin Netanyahu for adopting a bellicose approach towards Iran, saying that Israeli action on Iran would be premature at this stage.

"The Iranian nuclear project has not reached a level that forces Israel to act immediately or in the near future," Olmert said on Sunday during a meeting with students at Ono Academic College in northern Israel.

Washington and Tel Aviv have repeatedly threatened Tehran with a military strike to force it to halt its nuclear energy program, claimed by the duo to have been directed towards the acquisition of military nuclear capability.
Tehran, however, refutes such allegations as baseless, warning that any military strike against the country will have a crushing response.
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