27 Jul 2024
Friday 10 August 2012 - 12:50
Story Code : 4242

Iranian threat - Pretext for US global dominance?

Iranian threat - Pretext for US global dominance?

Amid growing tensions with Iran, the US is piecing together a missile defense system across the Persian Gulf. However, writer Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich believes the US is using Iran as an excuse in its push for global dominance.

The system would require partner nations in the gulf to share information and coordinate their individual arsenals of interceptor missiles to create a defensive shield encompassing all the regional allies, The New York Times says.

Washington has recently boosted sales of detection systems and missile batteries to its allies in the region, such United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

We can do even more to defend the gulf through cooperation on ballistic missile defense, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a session of the Gulf Cooperation Council in March.

Sometimes to defend one nation effectively you might need a radar system in a neighboring nation, she said, adding, But its the cooperation its what they call interoperability that we now need to really roll up our sleeves and get to work on.

However independent researcher and writer Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich doubts that this missile defense system is a response to a potential Iranian threat.

If Iran did ever want to retaliate it would not attack. If it wanted to retaliate to an attack the simplest and the best thing for it to do is to close the Strait of Hormuz. And that would affect the whole world, she told RT.

Sepahpour-Ulrich insists that this is Americas yet another push for global dominance. Americatypically wanted to have its bases not only in the region but around the world. It believes in realigning its forces to better control and dominate the world.

Iran being made into a threat has allowed the Arab countries to cooperate with America because they rely on America for their internal security, she adds. Most of the countries in the region and the US bases located there are instrumental for Americas push for global domination as well as the oil wealth that is there.

Sepahpour-Ulrich also believes that the Arab Spring was initiated by the US and its NGOs.

But I think at some point they lost control. They believed that they believe in controlled chaos and they believed they could control the outcome.


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