17 Jun 2024
Saturday 1 April 2023 - 17:17
Story Code : 405219

Iran to launch Zafar-2 Satellite in coming weeks

Iran to launch Zafar-2 Satellite in coming weeks
Irans Minister of Information and Communications Technology Issa Zarepour recently has said that the country will soon put the domestically-built satellite Zafar-2 (Triumph-2) into orbit.

Zarepour stated that it is predicted the satellite Zafar-2 put into orbit in the first quarter of the current Iranian calender year (starting March 20, 2023).

Earlier, Mansour Anbia, Dean of Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) said the university has so far built four satellites, with Navid being the first satellite built in 2011, Mobin as the second one launched in 2013, and Zafar 1 in 2015.

Zafar 2 is the fourth satellite built by IUST, Anbia said, adding that 64 pieces are used to make a satellite.

The IUST is privileged for making satellites due to owning different technologies and being capable of meeting the needs of the country in this field, according to Anbia.

On Aug 9, 2022, Iranian satellite "Khayyam" was launched by a Russian Soyuz launcher from Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Iran's indigenous satellite launch capabilities first made headlines when the first locally-built satellite, Omid (Hope), was launched in 2009.

The country also sent its first bio-capsule containing living creatures into space in February 2010, using a Kavoshgar-3 (Explorer-3) carrier.

In February 2015, the Islamic Republic placed its domestically-made Fajr (Dawn) satellite into orbit, which is capable of taking and transmitting high-quality photos to stations on Earth.

Iran considers its space program a matter of national pride, and has said its space vehicle launches are for scientific purposes.


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