27 Jul 2024
Tuesday 8 February 2022 - 13:53
Story Code : 393458

Path to negotiations not to be smooth with US' illusion

Path to negotiations not to be smooth with US
Irans Secretary of Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani said that the US administration is seeking to achieve the same goals that Trump failed to achieve through bullying.

Referring tothe continuation of the eighth round of talks between Iran and the P4+1 in Vienna on the removal of the US illegal sanctions imposed on Iran, Ali Shamkhani in a tweet on Tuesday wrote,Current US administration with continuing maximum pressure against Iran, has so far tried to meet the goals that Trump failed to achieve through bullying, by making unsupported promises."

"With this Washingtons illusion, the path to negotiations will not be smooth, he added.

Earlier on Sunday,Iran's security chief also said that political decisions in Washington require a balance of commitments to reach a good agreement."Despite limited progress in the #ViennaTalks, we are still far from achieving the necessary balance in the commitments of the parties," he added.

Also on Saturday, Shamkhani warned the United States against putting up a "show" of lifting the sanctions rather than actually removing the bans.

Envoys from Iran and the P4+1 group of countries Britain, France, Russia, and China plus Germany have been holding negotiations in the Austrian capital for 10 months in a bid to resurrect the JCPOA.

The eighth round of the talks will resume today after a brief pause during which the negotiators returned to their capitals for consultations.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has always stated that itis seeking a stable and reliable agreement and the US sanctions need to be removed in a verifiable manner, as well as Washington should provide guarantees that it will not pull out again.



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