17 Jun 2024
Monday 15 July 2013 - 17:33
Story Code : 39312

Report: Mossad recruiting Lebanese youths via internet

Report: Mossad recruiting Lebanese youths via internet
TEHRAN (FNA)- Israels spy agency, Mossad, is recruiting Lebanese young people through cyberspace and Internet, media reports said.

Lebanese citizens received messages through Whats Up Internet services on Sunday most probably sent by the Mossad spy agency, the Iraqi Al-Ahd news website reported.

The report said the messages contained the picture of a woman seeking honesty. An international phone number from Congo appears in the message, but those who click on the message are contacted from Romania.

The emails are sent as spam on a large scale aiming to lure the Lebanese people into their enemy, Israel.

Last month, an Algerian newspaper revealed that Mossad was recruiting Algerias young men to send them to Syria to help the other foreign-backed terrorists in the fight against the Syrian people and government.

Informed sources who asked to remain anonymous told the Algerian daily al-Fajr that the activities of Salafi groups in the country are under the supervision of Mossad and these groups coax the Algerian young men into getting involved in what they call as Jihad in Syria and includes killing civilians and increasing insecurity in the country.

The sources said that the Salafi groups in Algeria are in direct contact with their religious fellows in Tunisia and also receive different financial and military aid from Qatar.

By Fars News Agency


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