27 Jul 2024
Wednesday 3 March 2021 - 17:58
Story Code : 388174

US should be held accountable six years of crime in Yemen

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh lashed out at the Biden administrations allegations against Iran regarding the Yemeni war.

Americans cannot act as a claimant and make baseless accusations against others, he said in a Wednesday statement, adding that the US should be held accountable for six years of crimes in Yemen.

The remarks come as US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken accused Iran of escalating tensions in the war-torn country.

Knowing that their inhumane approach against the resistant Yemeni nation has failed, aggressors and enemies of Yemeni people who have killed innocent Yemeni nation during the past six years and destroyed resources and infrastructure of this great country and earned profits from trading of lives and selling arms to the Saudi coalition are seeking to divert the publics attention and deny their crimes through projections.

This is while the historic memory of the Yemeni nation and the world will never forget their crimes and they will remain infamous in history, he added.

Riyadh, together with its allies chief among them being the United Arab Emirates (UAE), launched a war on Yemen in March 2015 with the aim of reinstalling Yemens former pro-Riyadh government and crushing the popular Houthi Ansarullah movement.

The war, which has also been accompanied by an all-out siege of Yemen, has killed more than 110,000 people and turned the impoverished Arab country into the worlds worst humanitarian crisis.

The new US administrations claim of efforts to end the war in Yemen comes as we have not witnessed any practical step to halt Saudi coalition aggression and this administration is continuing the wrong approach of former administration in making baseless allegations and neglecting realities of Yemen, added the spokesman.

Claims of American officials for the establishment of peace in Yemen has remained in words and they have just seen few political maneuvers in this regard, he said, adding "The stances of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been clear from the start of the Yemeni war and we have always stressed that there is no military solution for the Yemeni crisis."

In this regard, Tehran offered a four-article solution from the onset of the war and the approach is still valid as a fundamental solution, he said.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is using all capacities to follow the UN efforts over establishing peace in Yemen, said Khatibzadeh, highlighting that Tehran supports any attempt to end aggression against the Yemeni people.

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