27 Jul 2024
Wednesday 23 September 2020 - 14:06
Story Code : 384089

Rouhani says US has waged economic war against Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that the United States has waged economic war against Iran by sanctions on dollar, banking ties economic institutions and business companies.

"We're in economic war," President Rouhani said at the cabinet session on Wednesday.

Since the US-backed Iraqi imposed war against Iran in 1980, Iran was under economic sanctions, but the economic war has been initiated about two years ago, the president said.

Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Iran to topple the Islamic Republic of Iran. He violated Iran's territorial integrity and national sovereignty, and on the other hand, United States follows suit in vain by attempt to escalate tension with Iran and violate the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 revoking all sanctions on Iran and withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the president said.

In November, 2018, Trump re-imposed sanctions against Iran, the sanctions as he said were at the highest level.

"The two - Saddam and Trump - made mistake in all their calculations."

Then, Trump tried to not let arms embargo on Iran be lifted in October, 2020; meanwhile, his endeavor did not arrive at a conclusion as its resolution proposed to the UN Security Council to extend arms embargo on Iran was rejected.

President Rouhani described the US failure as humiliating.

"This victory and success belongs to the great Iranian nation."

And the reason behind this victory is people's resistance, the president stressed.

About Iran's measures taken to deal with critical conditions including the coronavirus pandemic, the president said that the government successfully faced with the situation as it fought the pandemic, on one hand, and carried out actions to remedy the situation and help the people in their cultural, economic and religious activities, on the other.

And they are angry about Iran's capabilities to cope with difficult situations at the same time, the president added.

The president said that Iranian government did not even halt carrying out national development projects in the current of the US economic war.

Despite all pressures and problems, government has stood by the nation, he noted.

The president made it clear that the people's hope has not disappeared.

"All of us across the globe are experiencing difficult times during the pandemic. However, my nation, the resilient people of Iran, instead of enjoying global partnership and cooperation, is grappling with the harshest sanctions in history imposed in blatant and gross violation of the Charter of the United Nations, international agreements and Security Council Resolution 2231," the president said at his Tuesday address to the 75th session of the UN General Assembly.

Source: IRNA
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