17 Jun 2024
Saturday 25 April 2020 - 14:58
Story Code : 374497

In Ramadan message, Irans President urges joint action against COVID-19

Tasnim Iranian President Hassan Rouhani congratulated Muslim nations on the start of the holy month of Ramadan, expressing hope that the novel coronavirus would be eliminated through concerted effort and the exchange of experiences among Muslim countries and others.

Rouhani on Friday sent separate messages to the heads of state and governments of Muslim countries, congratulating them on the arrival of the fasting month of Ramadan.

The Iranian president also expressed hope that in light of the holy Muslim month and the spiritual values, the Islamic countries could strengthen and promote their relations.

Rouhani further hoped that mutual cooperation and exchange of experiences among Islamic nations would accelerate the process of fighting against the coronavirus and would result in the elimination of the virus across the globe.

He also wished all Muslims worldwide success and prosperity in the holy month.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and a time when Muslims across the world fast during the hours of daylight.

Muslims holy book, the Quran, was first revealed to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) during this month.
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