27 Jul 2024
Sunday 17 November 2019 - 15:35
Story Code : 363655

Iran disappointed with Indias lack of resilience in the face of US pressure

The Hindu BusinessLine | Penny MacRae: Irans foreign minister has upbraided India for adhering to far-reaching US economic sanctions against the OPEC member, saying that the Islamic republic had expected its long-standing ally to be more resilient in the face of what he called Washingtons bullying.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also voiced concern about slow progress on the regionally strategic Chabahar Port. India is developing the first phase of the Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar in cooperation with Iran.

Washingtons imposition of sanctions targeting nearly all Irans economy in an effort to force Tehran to accept tighter curbs on its nuclear programme has gouged the countrys oil revenues, sent inflation sky-rocketing, plunged the economy into recession and devalued the currency.

India has certainly taken a stance against the sanctions so thats been encouraging, (but) of course, we expected our friends to be more resilient vis-a-vis US pressure, Zarif told a group of visiting journalists from New Delhi.

US President Donald Trump last year quit an international nuclear pact with Iran and imposed sanctions lifted under the 2015 accord. India, the worlds third-largest oil consumer, ceased buying Iranian oil this May in the wake of the sanctions and its refiners now are purchasing more crude from suppliers like Mexico, and have signed contracts with US firms. India had been Irans top oil customer after China.

Zarif, a career diplomat, said he understood why India did not want to agitate the US by being a sanctions spoiler. People want to be on the right side of President (Donald) Trump but the problem is he hasnt got a right side, he said.

The foreign minister said in agreeing to abide by the sanctions, India had placed itself on the receiving end of bullying by Washington. Youre already being bullied by the US because theyre telling you not to buy oil from us and if you cant lift oil from us, we wont be able to buy Indian rice, Zarif said to members of the Indian Womens Press Corps. India being a great democracy, a huge country cant become the subject of bullying as China is, he said. Still, he expressed confidence that centuries-old ties with India wouldnt be affected by US actions.

A huge psychological shock

Zarif said imposition of the US sanctions had been a huge psychological shock for Iran and had imposed immense suffering on our population, Aside from throttling oil exports, the sanctions also cut off Iranian banks ties to the international financial world, affecting how it finances global trade. But the economy is now recovering, he said, noting the countrys currency has rebounded 40 per cent against the US dollar after initially sliding 70 per cent.

The ministers comments were supported by the IMFs latest forecast that Irans economy will shrink in 2019-20 by 9.5 per cent, but that it will recover next year to post flat growth.

Iranian officials say the country is surviving the sanctions by boosting exports of non-oil goods like food, textiles and petrochemicals and through bartering and back-room deals. Even with the toughest sanctions we wont be destroyed, Zarif said, noting Irans vast natural resources and educated population.

Iran will continue to sell its oil and countries will continue to buy it. But the nature of this new business is that one of the biggest victims is transparency and one of the biggest gainers is corruption, Zarif said. Corrupt people make a lot of money because transactions will always be conducted. Iranian oil always has customers. The only difference is a bunch of people will make a lot of money buying oil at a discount and selling it to others at higher prices, he said.

Zarif expressed worry that progress on the strategically key Chabahar Port hasnt been as fast as wed all wanted and warned about implications for regional stability if its not completed. India, Iran and Afghanistan signed an agreement three years ago involving setting up a transport corridor using Chabahar as a regional transport hub for goods and passengers. Chabahar is much greater than India and Iran. Chabahar affects regional stability. Afghanistans future means the future of law-and-order in this region, freedom from terrorism, he said, adding that ISIS fighters were regrouping in Afghanistan, creating greater hazards for the region. ISIS shift to Afghanistan is the source of common concern between India, Iran and Pakistan.

China eyes port project

Zarif said though Chabahar is exempt from US sanctions, the slowdown is a natural consequence of them. India is developing the first phase of the Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar in cooperation with Iran. He said China also wanted to work with Iran on developing the port but New Delhi shouldnt see Beijings interest as representing competition.

While Zarif rejected use of the word alliance, he said US economic and political actions had created an understanding between China, Russia and Iran that were all (US) targets and there was a commonality being felt by the leaderships of the three countries.

He said India could also one day be a US target but for the time-being Trump needs (Prime Minister Narendra) Modis votes in Texas.

The writer was recently in Iran with a team of women journalists
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