27 Jul 2024
Friday 3 May 2019 - 11:07
Story Code : 347481

Iranian president underlines further reinvigoration of defense power

Iranian president underlines further reinvigoration of defense power
FNA - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stressed the need for the further strengthening of the country's defense capabilities, saying that Tehran does not take permission from anyone to this end.

President Rouhani made the remarks in Kermanshah province's Administrative Council late on Wednesday.

The enemy is seeking to induce tough and hard conditions in the country while it has false imaginations in this regard, he said.

The country and government belong to people, Rouhani said, adding, The government makes its utmost efforts to render quality services to the noble nation of Islamic Iran. Today, we are witnessing unity and amity among all walks of life in the country.

Enemies have dragged the country to an all-out economic and psychological war and people also know that their government has not been the initiator of this economic war waged by the United States against the country, he said.

Today, the government will move the country out of difficulties successfully with the unity and amity of people, Rouhani added.

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri stressed late in January that his country could change its defensive approach to offensive if its interests are endangered by enemies.

"Of course, we do not have any greedy eyes on other countries' interests and soil but it is possible that we adopt an offensive approach to protect our interests to make foreigners keep thoughts of aggression against our country's interests away even from their minds by witnessing impacts," General Baqeri said, addressing a meeting in Tehran on Jan. 27.

Then, five days later, former Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami said that if Western powers sought to limit Irans missile power, the country would have no option but to expand its potentials in the strategically important field.

Salami, who is now the IRGC top commander, made the remarks on February 3, when he reiterated that Irans strategy to maintain a cap on its missile power would change if the European Union and others sought to force the country into disarmament.

If the Europeans and others want to pursue the missile disarmament of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on a plot, we will have no option but to resort to a strategic leap, said Salami while speaking to the Iranian television.

The commander said Iran had no technical limits to expand the range, the destructive power and the propulsion system of its missiles, adding that it was Tehrans policy to maintain a certain cap on the range of the missiles based on its own defensive strategy.

Salami said, however, that the cap could be removed if others decide to pressure Iran into dismantling its long-range missile arsenal.

Our defense strategy can change commensurate with the conditions and changes in the behavior of role-players, said the IRGC deputy commander.
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