27 Jul 2024
Wednesday 10 April 2019 - 09:32
Story Code : 344485

Iran has not declared war on US: senior MP

MNA Chairman of National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of Iranian Parliament Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh highlighted that Irans measures in response to US anti-IRGC move is defensive, not a declaration of war.

Iran has adopted a defensive measure in the face of Washingtons measure which is internationally unconventional and against human rights charter, he told IRNA Wednesday, highlighting, this [Irans measure] does not mean a declaration of war.

Falahatpisheh, who is in Moscow for tripartite talks on Syria, also called on members of the Iranian Parliament to avoid making comments such as those related to killing US troops, noting that the countrys policy is defensive and such remarks are not on the agenda.

Trump administration announced Monday that it is designating Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as a foreign terrorist organization. In response to this unprecedented measure against the military force of another country, the Iranian Supreme National Security Council accused the US government of supporting terrorism and recognized the US Central Command (CENCTOM) as a terrorist organization.
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