17 Jun 2024
Saturday 23 February 2019 - 11:11
Story Code : 339534

Envoy censures politicized pressure on IAEA against Iran

MNA Iranian representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, while welcoming the UN nuclear watchdog's latest report on Irans compliance with JCPOA, censured the exertion of pressure on the body with political purposes.

Kazem Gharibabadi, Iranian representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency and other Vienna-based international organizations, said Friday that the IAEAs fourteen report on Irans nuclear activities once again confirmed the Islamic Republics full compliance with its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal, also known as the JCPOA.

Despite the many efforts of certain enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran to divert the attention of the IAEA and the international community, cooperation between Iran and the Agency is on a constructive path, and this report once again confirms that the Agency has had the necessary access, he said.

The Iranian envoy went on to highlight the need for the IAEA to continue its impartiality and professionalism in carrying out its mission. He also censured the exertion of pressure by certain countries on the IAEA to achieve some political objectives.

The full and honest implementation of the obligations of all parties is a fundamental basis for the continuation of the deal, and if we want to preserve the nuclear deal, the remaining members of the agreement must ensure Iran's enjoyment of JCPOA-related benefits by adopting appropriate practical measures, he concluded.
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