17 Jun 2024
Monday 10 June 2013 - 17:06
Story Code : 32186

President urges Hezbollah, Iran cooperation over protest killing

President urges Hezbollah, Iran cooperation over protest killing
[caption id="attachment_32187" align="alignright" width="210"] Hezbollah supporters clash with supporters of the Lebanese Option Party during a protest in front of the Iranian Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, Sunday, June 9, 2013.[/caption]
BEIRUT: PresidentMichel Sleimancalled Monday onHezbollahand the Iranian embassy to assist in the investigation into the death of an anti-Hezbollah protester who was killed this weekend, according to a statement from Sleimans office.
Hashem Salman, 28, was shot and killed at a rally outside the Iranian embassy Sunday while protesting Hezbollahs involvement in the Syrian conflict.

A small group of protesters were attacked by Hezbollah supporters with sticks and guns when they arrived to the embassy.

Sleiman stressed the need for citizens and parties in the area, particularly Hezbollah and the Iranian embassy, to assist the competent agencies in their mission to uncover the details and circumstances [surrounding the crime], the statement said.

By The Daily Star


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