27 Jul 2024
Tuesday 17 April 2018 - 16:31
Story Code : 301322

Iranian commander lambasts US, British, French statesmen as war criminals

FNA- Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari strongly condemned the Saturday morning US-led missile strikes against Syria, stressing that the leaders in Washington, London and Paris are war criminals.

"The attack is fully condemned and against the international laws and regulations. As Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said their action was a crime and their names should be put on the list of war criminals," General Heidari told reporters in Tehran on Monday.

"All of us are aware that the West is concerned about the resistance front's victories and the repeated defeats of the terrorist groups which have been created by the West," he added.

General Heidari underlined that the US and its allies failed to to earn an achievement from the Saturday attack, and the move further disgraced them.

The US, Britain and France launched missile strikes on a number of targets in Syria in response to an alleged chemical attack in the Damascus' suburb of Douma, Eastern Ghouta, which has been blamed on Damascus despite the launch of a probe into the incident.

Moscow has stated that it had proof that the "chemical attack" in Douma had been a provocation and had been staged by Western-backed NGOs, including the White Helmets.

The attack that took place before a UN team of experts started their investigations into the alleged gas attack has angered members of the UN Security Council as it was done outside the framework and charter of the UN body.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei voiced strong condemnation for the aggression against Syria, describing the American, British and French heads of state as war criminals.

"This early morning strike against Syria is a crime. I clearly declare that the US, French and British heads of state are criminals and committed a crime," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing the Iranian officials and ambassadors of Islamic countries in Tehran on Saturday.

He stressed that the three aggressive countries will not benefit from the attack, saying, "They have deployed in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan in the past few years and committed such crimes, but didn't earn any benefit."

Ayatollah Khamenei dismissed as lies the claims by the US and other western states that they have helped the fight against terrorism in Syria, and said that the US-led front has rather rescued the ISIL whenever they were trapped.

"In his speech a few hours ago, the US president said we managed to defeat ISIL in Syria - a blatant, obvious lie! The US played a major role in creating the ISIL, they entered where ISIL was trapped to save them. They raised the wicked creatures (ISIL) with Saudi money, turning them (ISIL) lose on Iraqi and Syrian nations; but, resistance against the US and their agents saved these countries."

The leader reminded the US president's recent remarks that Washington spent $7 trillion in West Asia and didn't gain a thing, and said, "He is right; they didnt gain anything. And the US should know that in the future, too, no matter how much money they spend, how hard they try, they will definitely not gain anything in this region."
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