27 Jul 2024
Monday 20 May 2013 - 18:15
Story Code : 29272

Most Iranians will vote in next elections: Poll

In the run-up to Irans presidential and city and village council elections, media outlets have been busy conducting polls to gauge public opinion ahead of the upcoming vote.
According to a new opinion poll carried out by Iranian media outlets, the majority of respondents in the capital, Tehran, said they will definitely take part in the elections.

A total of 4,000 Iranians aged 18 and above responded to the poll, which was conducted over the phone.

Over 60 percent have said they will vote, and 11 percent said they wont. Some 28 percent have also said they are still undecided on whether they will vote.

Irans 11th presidential election is scheduled for June 14. The president of Iran is elected for a four-year term in a national election.

The 4th city and village council elections are also scheduled to be held on June 14, concurrent with Irans presidential poll.

City and village councils are local establishments which are elected by public vote in all cities and villages throughout Iran. Council members in each city or village are elected for a four-year term.

The city and village councils are in charge of electing mayors, supervising the activities of municipalities, planning and coordinating national participation in the implementation of social, economic, cultural, educational and other welfare issues.

By Press TV


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