17 Jun 2024
Wednesday 31 January 2018 - 09:23
Story Code : 292026

Press TVs crew attacked during Turkeys operation in Syria

Press TV - Press TVs crew has come underattackinthe Syria town of Rajo in Afrin District near the Turkish border during Turkeys military operation in Syria.

The incident occurred on Tuesday, as the Press TV team was investigating the damage done to a school during the Turkish offensive.

According to Press TV correspondent Zahra al-Derzi, members of the team suffered injuries during bombing and shelling of the town.

Turkey launched the so-called Operation Olive Branch against Afrin region in northwest Syria on January 20 in a bid to eliminate the US-backed YPG, which Ankara views as a terror organization and the Syrian branch of the outlawed Kurdish Workers Party (PKK). The latter has been fighting for an autonomous region inside Turkey since 1984.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="555"] Smoke billowing following a Turkish airstrike on a village in the Afrin district on January 28, 2018. (Photo by AFP)[/caption]

Turkey has also been assisting the so-called Free Syrian Army militants to fight against the Kurdish fighters.

According to the Turkish defense minister, a total of 649 YPG militants had been killed since the beginning of the operation on January 20.

The Syrian government has condemned the brutal Turkish aggression against Afrin, rejecting Ankaras claim about having informed Damascus of the operation.
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