17 Jun 2024
Friday 17 May 2013 - 12:30
Story Code : 28831

NIOC, world’s 3rd biggest oil company: Oil & Gas IQ

[caption id="attachment_27590" align="alignright" width="300"] A view of Iran's South Pars Gas and Oil Field[/caption]
TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) – Oil & Gas IQ, a leading online resource and community for the oil and gas industry, has ranked the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) as the third biggest oil company in the world.
Oil & Gas IQ has recently released its list of the top 10 biggest oil and gas companies worldwide, based on which the NIOC ranked the third after Saudi Arabia’s Aramco and Russia’s Gazprom.

The study was put together following research from a number of key industry sources including the EIA and OPEC and lists the ten biggest energy players globally, ranked by the volume of annual oil and gas production.

The list also includes other key facts including the number of barrels produced per day, key personnel, annual revenue in USD, location of headquarters, the number of employees worldwide and whether they are state owned or private organizations.

The feature also presents a concise synopsis of the complex history of each organization explaining when and how they were founded and how they have evolved to become the most dominant companies in the industry.

State owned companies are contributing significantly to their national GDP and will continue to do so as more reserves are discovered.
The top five oil and gas companies are: Aramco, Gazprom, NIOC, ExxonMobil, and PetroChina.


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