27 Jul 2024
Friday 22 September 2017 - 14:46
Story Code : 276766

Trump's hateful UN speech draws Iranian leaders harsh criticism

September 22, The Iran Project Several top Iranian leaders slammedUS President Donald Trumps abhorrent comments in his address at the72nd session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei criticized Trumps recent anti-Iran hostile comments at the UN as hideous, stupid and sheer lies.

Addressing the meeting with members of Irans Assembly of Experts in Tehranon Thursday, Ayatollah Khamenei said that American elite 'feel ashamed' of having such a president as Trump.

Touching upon the unworthy, rude, silly, confused, and totally unrealistic remarks of Trump in the UN General Assembly, Ayatollah Khamenei said, "the remarks were not rooted in power, but rooted in anger, frustration and lunacy; the Americans are annoyed and angry with Iran whose presence in the Western Asia has neutralized years-long plan for the region."

On the other hand, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, during his own UN speech, fired back at the Trump for his comments against the Islamic Republic.

"These words were not triggered by a sense of power, but by anger, helplessness, and imbecility; because, the US government has become increasingly angry and dissatisfied that plots, they initiated several years ago, in Western Asia were neutralized due to the effective presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran,' he added.

Upon his arrival in Tehran from New York, where he addressed the 72nd session of the UNGA, President Rouhani said US was the most isolated country at the UN over its stance on Irans nuclear accord, citing Trumps attack on the agreement while other world leaders defended it.

Trump made major mistakes in his speech and leveled "baseless allegations that are beneath the dignity of the United Nations and the person who deems himself the president of a country, Rouhani noted.

In his meetings with European officials from France, Britain, Sweden, Belgium and Bulgaria, all stressed that the JCPOA was non-renegotiable and all sides had to implement it, the president also said.
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