2 Jun 2024
Monday 3 July 2017 - 12:44
Story Code : 266829

FM Spokesman: JCPOA Joint Commission remains on schedule

IRNA Irans Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Monday that the Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOAC) will be held according to the schedule in July.

The 7th Iran-G5+1 Joint Commission session was held in April in Vienna.

In the session, all participants of the nuclear deal joint commission noted their continued adherence to Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action commitments and stressed the need to ensure its full and effective implementation.

The previous session had been held on January 10, ten days before the end of the former US President Barack Obamas presidency and on a call by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif.

As to Astana talks on Syria, Qasemi said that the meetings were expected to be held after the specialized talks , the spokesman said.

The meetings might be held with three countries, and I hope we could reach a final identification of the de-escalation zones agreed previously by the three countries, in order to have some mechanisms for security checking to establish a relative security, and therefore, to establish the full ceasefire,' Qasemi said referring to the plan of creating de-escalation zones in Syria.
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