27 Jul 2024
Tuesday 9 May 2017 - 22:59
Story Code : 260287

Iraqi CTS forces wrest control over another west Mosul neighborhood

Press TV- Members of the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) have established full control over another district in western Mosul as government forces, backed by volunteer fighters from Popular Mobilization Units, are battling to forceTakfiri Daesh terrorists out of their last urban stronghold in the country.

Commander of Nineveh Liberation Operation, Lieutenant General Abdul AmirYarallah, said in a press statement on Tuesday that CTS had liberated the Northern Industrial Area, and raised the national Iraqi flag in the area after inflicting heavy losses on Daesh ranks and their military hardware.

The territorial gain came a day after Iraqi troops retook Wadi Akkaband Ghanim al-Sayyid industrial areas in the western part of Mosul.

Meanwhile, a local source told Arabic-language Shafaaq news agency that Iraqi security personnel have assumed control over half of Hawial-Kanisaharea in westernMosul.

Mahmoud Surchi, a spokesman for Popular Mobilization Units, also told the Arabic service of Russias Sputnik news agency that the pro-government fighters, commonly known by the Arabic word Hashd al-Shaabi, had taken control over an area in western Mosul, where Daesh terrorists had set up laboratories and were producing dangerous chemicals.

Over 400,000 Iraqis displaced amid west Mosul battle

Meanwhile, the United Nations says more than 400,000 people have been displaced amid an operation by Iraq's military and volunteer fighters to drive the Daeshterrorists out of western Mosul.

UN spokesmanStephane Dujarricsaid on Tuesday thatalmost 435,000 civilians had experienced forced displacement in the face of the military campaign, noting that some 31,000 people have also returned to their homes in liberated areas.

Dujarric added that there have been some cases of acute malnutrition among infants arriving with their families from western Mosul.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="555"] An Iraqi family evacuates its home as Iraqi forces advance in the northwestern al-Haramat neighborhood of Mosul on May 9, 2017, during the ongoing offensive to retake the area from Takfiri Daesh terrorists. (Photo by AFP)[/caption]
Residents of the liberated parts of western Mosul also rely on humanitarian assistance, as basic public services and market activities have yet to be restored, the senior UN official pointed out.

Iraqi army soldiers and popular fighters havemade sweeping gains against the Takfiri elements since launching the operation toretake Mosul last October.

The Iraqi forces took control of eastern Mosul in January after 100 days of fighting, and launched the battle in the west on February 19.

Iraqi forces shoot down town Daesh VTOL drones in Diyala

Separately, Iraqi army forces have shot down two vertical takeoffand landing (VTOL)drones of Daesh terror group in the countrys eastern province of Diyala.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="555"] Iraqi forces take position in the northwestern al-Haramat neighborhood of Mosul on May 8, 2017, during an ongoing offensive to retake the area from Takfiri Daesh terrorists. (Photo by AFP)[/caption]
Odai al-Khadran, governor ofKhalistown, told Arabic-language al-Sumaria television network that government forces the unmanned aerial vehicles near al-Wahda village on the outskirts of al-Azim region, which lies roughly 65 kilometers north of the provincial capital city of Baqubah.

Daesh executes 40 people in northern Iraq

Moreover, Daesh extremists have killed nearly four dozen people in the town of Hawijah, situated about 282kilometersnorth of the capital Baghdad.

Police captain Hamed al-Obeidi said the terrorists executed 40 victims after accusing them of fleeing battles against security forces.

Elsewhere in the troubled western province of Anbar, Iraqi fighter jets struck Daesh militants positions in Anah and al-Qa'imtowns, killing 100 extremists in the process.

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