27 Jul 2024
Thursday 20 April 2017 - 17:34
Story Code : 258007

Iran Coverage: Zarif: US duty-bound to fulfill its JCPOA commitments

Daily look at Irans late-breaking news and upcoming events:


Iran FM slams worn-out US nuclear accusations

Irans Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday criticized worn-out US accusations that it was seeking a nuclear weapon to threaten the region and the world.

US envoy wants to shift UNSC sessions focus from Israel to Iran

The United States Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley will try to use the US rotating presidency of the UNSC and turn the spotlight of a Thursday meeting from Israel to Iran, according to media reports.

Iran unveils homegrown radars, aviation gear

A series of domestically-made equipment in the field of air defense and civil aviation, including radars and navigation systems for airports, were unveiled in a ceremony on Thursday during a visit to the southern city of Shiraz by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Trump administration officials vilify JCPOA

The United States is boosting the narrative of US President Donald Trump against the Iran nuclear deal, negotiated under his predecessor, former President Barack Obama.

FM issues statement on Guarantor States meeting in Tehran

In the framework of the International Meeting on Syria (Astana Process), Tehran hosted the Expert Meeting and the meetings of the Joint Group by the three Guarantor States, on April 18-19, 2017.

White House: US to review JCPOA

The White House spokesman said on Wednesday night that Trump administration is going to review the JCPOA.

Intl Meeting on Syrian Settlement stresses on political solution of Syria crisis

International Meeting on Syrian Settlemen (Astana Process) wrapped up its work in Tehran on Wednsday night with releasing a press communique and calling for a political solution to the Syria crisis.

Tehran, Beijing to sign 1st Arak reactor redesign contract, China confirms

Chinas Foreign Ministry confirmed on Thursday that Tehran and Beijing will soon sign the first commercial contract to redesign a nuclear plant in southern Iran as part of the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers.

Tehran says nuclear deal changes impossible in response to Trump-Ordered review

A treaty on Iran nuclear program cannot be changed at this point, the head of the Center for International Education and Research at the Iranian Foreign Ministry said Wednesday, shortly after it became known that US President Donald Trump ordered a review of the deal.

The Approach of the Iranian mass media to UK and its affecting factors

Paying due attention to the United Kingdom is deeply rooted in the Iranianmass media and many factors are involved in this end.

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