16 Jun 2024
Monday 6 February 2017 - 17:00
Story Code : 250022

Netanyahu meets UK's May for talks on Iran, settlements

AP-- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in London for talks he hopes will focus on Iranian weapons, and not Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Netanyahu told reporters in Jerusalem that he would "emphasize the need for a common front against Iran's defiant aggression which has raised its head in recent days." Iran fired a ballistic missile last week.

Netanyahu vehemently opposes the 2015 international agreement that imposed curbs on Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting sanctions - a deal Britain backs.

U.S. President Donald Trump, with whom May's government wants close ties, is a critic of the deal.

May also is under pressure to condemn Israeli settlement-building on occupied Palestinian land. May's office says she'll raise Britain's longstanding concerns during Monday's meeting.

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