17 Jun 2024
Hadad-Adel says Iran has no problem with the West if it honors Iran
Prominent Iranian politician, Gholam Ali Hadad Adel, running for presidency. He is a member of Principalist group known as 2+1 coalition. Besides Hadad-Adel a Member of Irans Parliament and Former Parliament Speaker., the coalition is made up of, Ali Akbar Velayati, a Senior Advisor to Irans Leader of Islamic Revolution and Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Mayor of Tehran, They have agreed that one of these three will register for the election and the other two will support him. Hadad-Adel in a press conference told reporters what he is aiming to change if he becomes the seventh president of Iran and successor of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
He also talked about economic programs and foreign policy with more detail. He stated that he believes smaller government and that the West should honor Irans independence.
Among other candidates, Hassan Rohani , Irans former chief nuclear negotiator, who is seen close to Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, head of Irans expediency Council and former President announced his election bid recently . Mostafa Kavakebian, a reformist has also announced his candidacy. Registration of Candidates will take place from May 7th to 11th. The candidates include the Principalists, Reformists, independents. Around twenty candidates have announced their bid to run for presidency. After registration the candidates must be approved by Irans Guardian Council. Irans presidential election is to be held on June 14th of this year.

By Press TV


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